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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fading through the door into summer....

"With [my] travel log of 'maybe next year' places,"  I always go back to Jake.  Where could we have went together?  What was more important than getting out?  
Today, I snuck a walk with him and it was very sweet.  Jake used to be leash-trained.  I mean Cesar Milan trained, with the "tsst" and all.  I am able to give the command "heel" and he'll relax and remember his early training.  He was a stud today.  Stopping and sitting at each cross road, and waiting for me to cross.  
These walks help clear my head, and he is very content when we get home.  He marks every other tree with pride, and trots along knowing he is loved and important.  

I am off from teaching for the summer.  It has been one of the most beautiful, difficult, successful, tragic, disastrous, all-encompassing school years I have ever taught.  This marked my ninth year.  I am the music teacher at our private school, and it's so wonderful.  It's the job of my dreams; of most people's dreams, I could imagine.  The small student body I work with is full of so much talent, I stay awake at night wondering if I'm challenging them enough.  We received several awards at the state level at our festival, and it was so huge! I struggle; we all do.  
Most of my days start and end this way.  Seriously, is that kid farting on that piano??
 I asked my friend recently if it was bad that most morning I wake up only for them.  The ones waiting for me at 8:15 a.m. with questions and stories, and problems for me to solve.  She said it is ok, "the gratification you feel is the reward you're reaping on earth for you dedication and labor of love."  I sighed through my tears, and began to accept this vacation that I usually dread.  

Near the end of the year, you hear of those who had "the best year ever!" and those who "are not coming back, and heard no one else is either."  To those I think how badly I'll miss them.  But, they all go eventually to live their lives and this stage of music and influence of mine is limited, some go sooner, some hang in there for the grand finale.  And, I'm eager to see what new spirits will join in what we are doing, and become exposed to the greatness of music.
It's about family.
As for me in the next few months, I plan to assimilate back into my home with my family and fade through the door into summer.  
Here we go, Jaker!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Remember when we were strong

"I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill.  Selah.
I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me." - Psalm 3:4-5

I was strong once, not long ago.
I would run, and play, and search, and see.
The possibilities were many, and the door was open.
Often I would walk through, and go.

We took steps, and covered so much ground,
Building mounds, digging holes. 
Met new friends, keep old ones.
We were unstoppable, and confident.

We were so strong.  We have so much fun, and so much love.
Pains came, hard times. 
Trips to the emergency room.
Is our heart giving out?  Is it breaking?

Rest is good, and it seems to be the cure.
Sleep is where we escape, and the second wind is coming.
New adventures, continued walks, past fades.
I remember when we were strong.
We will be again soon.