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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fading through the door into summer....

"With [my] travel log of 'maybe next year' places,"  I always go back to Jake.  Where could we have went together?  What was more important than getting out?  
Today, I snuck a walk with him and it was very sweet.  Jake used to be leash-trained.  I mean Cesar Milan trained, with the "tsst" and all.  I am able to give the command "heel" and he'll relax and remember his early training.  He was a stud today.  Stopping and sitting at each cross road, and waiting for me to cross.  
These walks help clear my head, and he is very content when we get home.  He marks every other tree with pride, and trots along knowing he is loved and important.  

I am off from teaching for the summer.  It has been one of the most beautiful, difficult, successful, tragic, disastrous, all-encompassing school years I have ever taught.  This marked my ninth year.  I am the music teacher at our private school, and it's so wonderful.  It's the job of my dreams; of most people's dreams, I could imagine.  The small student body I work with is full of so much talent, I stay awake at night wondering if I'm challenging them enough.  We received several awards at the state level at our festival, and it was so huge! I struggle; we all do.  
Most of my days start and end this way.  Seriously, is that kid farting on that piano??
 I asked my friend recently if it was bad that most morning I wake up only for them.  The ones waiting for me at 8:15 a.m. with questions and stories, and problems for me to solve.  She said it is ok, "the gratification you feel is the reward you're reaping on earth for you dedication and labor of love."  I sighed through my tears, and began to accept this vacation that I usually dread.  

Near the end of the year, you hear of those who had "the best year ever!" and those who "are not coming back, and heard no one else is either."  To those I think how badly I'll miss them.  But, they all go eventually to live their lives and this stage of music and influence of mine is limited, some go sooner, some hang in there for the grand finale.  And, I'm eager to see what new spirits will join in what we are doing, and become exposed to the greatness of music.
It's about family.
As for me in the next few months, I plan to assimilate back into my home with my family and fade through the door into summer.  
Here we go, Jaker!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Remember when we were strong

"I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill.  Selah.
I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me." - Psalm 3:4-5

I was strong once, not long ago.
I would run, and play, and search, and see.
The possibilities were many, and the door was open.
Often I would walk through, and go.

We took steps, and covered so much ground,
Building mounds, digging holes. 
Met new friends, keep old ones.
We were unstoppable, and confident.

We were so strong.  We have so much fun, and so much love.
Pains came, hard times. 
Trips to the emergency room.
Is our heart giving out?  Is it breaking?

Rest is good, and it seems to be the cure.
Sleep is where we escape, and the second wind is coming.
New adventures, continued walks, past fades.
I remember when we were strong.
We will be again soon.

Monday, December 22, 2014

First day of vacation!

I could not think of anything I wanted to do MORE on my first day of vacation than take Jake out and get us some exercise.  We walked, ran, he sniffed and explored.  We just went around our neighborhood and checked out all of the Christmas decorations.  For being in a depressed area, my neighborhood always looks like the North Pole.  Two of my neighbors set up lights just for my kids , I'm sure.

We do have another dog, a little mix breed named Sugaree.  When my daughter and I asked to get her, we begged and begged my husband and he said, "yes" and reserved naming rights.  He named her after what I find to be a tolerable Grateful Dead song.  Although I don't talk a lot about her on my little blog, she is so cool, and a great companion for Jake.  She's not that photogenic, though.
Jake, and part of Sugaree, at Strathmore Park, Pontiac, MI
 No major events today, just a nice walk.  I am committing to walk him frequently during my vacation.  We are looking forward to it! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Strange Dog Ambush

Today, Jake and I were confronted by a big, blue pitbull in our neighborhood while we walked. 

I am thankful it was just us.

I am thankful we were not hurt.

I am thankful for the man on the bike who helped and grabbed the dog and took him to the owner. 

My husband took the kids out for some daddy time at the park with our other dog, so it was just Jake and I!  His disappointment for being left behind was turned quickly to excitement when I got the leash out of the drawer.  We were ready to go!

 We walked a few blocks, with Jake taking a few "pit stops" on trees, fences, etc.  I get slightly annoyed, like I have to get where I am going.  But where am I going?  No where, just out.  About a half block in, I realize that and slow down and let him sniff and mark and detour.  I am a big supporter of not letting a dog walk me, but train them to walk close with a slacked leash.  He got good at that early on when we got him.  He's a good boy.
About six houses from home, a big, strong, strange dog intercepted us.  Chest out, no barf, he was there before I ever heard him.  Jake is NOT dog-social.  We used to go to dog parks and socialized him early, but when our daughter was born, he changed into an aggressive protector.
Taken on another walk, my daughter and Jake.  
Jake immediately prepared for battle today.  I was pulling him back and away from the dog, who was baring his teeth and Jake did too.  The dog did come from across the street so we were not on the dog's territory.  I reeled Jake in, and the dog followed Jake.  I told the dog NO over and over and it did respond.  I put about 8 feet between Jake and the dog, and it started to retreat. 

I don't know if I did the right thing in the moment. We avoided bloodshed. We made it home safe.  I thought to myself, 'I can't even walk safely in this neighborhood.'  But we will.  Next time, however, I will have a walking stick and my pepper spray. 

If you are ever in the situation, stay calm, get home quickly, and be thankful.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hawk Woods Nature Center

This weekend was so great!  It was the kickoff to our summer break from school.  My brother came in town with his family.  It was Memorial Day Weekend!  Weekends like this, however, usually mean being away from home and our dogs left behind.  This weekend we stayed home, or close to home.  We started Saturday morning with a walk through Hawk Woods Nature Center.

It is super mellow, and rugged.  Muddy trails, stagnant pond, and tons of wild life.  Jake was in his element.
He got lots of exercise, and we did too.  We will return there soon, with bug spray!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


What a long week we had. Work, rehearsals, then I was scheduled to sing at a graduation ceremony. With a lunch stain on my shirt, I ran home to change. Said hello to Jake and Sugaree, then changed myself and the kids and ran out to sing.  There was a strange vehicle parked in front of our house, so I armed the house alarm to be safe. The following event happened on Friday evening, May 16: (cue forensic files music)

We arrive and greet some friends.
I get a copy of my song from the fabulous piano player.
I get the kids some food, my son has cake...for dinner.
I cut myself a bite of meat.
I make eye contact with aforementioned piano player...I'm up!
My cake-covered son screams for me.
My music mentor takes my son to "entertain him," he cries the entire time.
I sing, piano plays, we nailed it.
I sit down and check my phone, the alarm at my house is going off.
I flee the party, heading home to meet the cops.

When I approach our neighborhood, it becomes clear that the power is out, and I realize there is no emergency, just an alarm glitch. Whew! The officer is sweet to the kids, and we are home much earlier than planned.

My neighbor came by to see if our power was out, and I told her yes, and I was hoping to watch "my stories" but instead I'm taking the kids and dogs for a walk! "Wanna join us?" Now, I'll have 2 small kids and 2 dogs, and I expected her to decline, but she said she'd change out of her work clothes, and in 5 minutes we were on our way!

We talked about so much, and when we returned home, she said she was scared of dogs but it was nice to be out with mine and me because they are not so bad.  I told her "Jake is a good boy."

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Take him to the vet!!!

It's been about three weeks since Jake had to go to the vet.  Within one day, he had a spot that developed on his left cheek that swelled up and he had scratched raw.  It was awful and gross!  We called the vet the night before, and he suggested cortisone cream for the night, and get him in the next day.  We did.

I thought he had a cyst or got bit by something since we'd spent a lot of time outside for the first time this spring.  He had an allergic reaction to something.  The vet shaved the spot, gave him a cooling spray, antibiotic, and a steroid pill. $113. He also suggested a change in diet, from Purina to Natural Balance.  After four days, he was doing really good.  I am so thankful.  I was really worried.

Jake is 10+ years, and every health issue that he has I get anxious that "it's getting near that time."  But, had I not taken him in, I wouldn't have heard how great he looks, and what a good boy he is.  And he ever!

Springfield Veterinary Clinic, Davisburg, MI